zzgl. MwSt.
zzgl. MwSt.
zzgl. MwSt.
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zzgl. MwSt.
bei jährlicher Zahlweise
zzgl. MwSt.
bei jährlicher Zahlweise
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14-Tage Geld zurück-Garantie | Mini Basic | Mini Plus | Start | Plus | Pro |
Preis | 10 € | 15 € | 25 € | 60 € | 120 € |
WordPress instanzen | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 12 |
SSD Speicher | 2 GB | 4 GB | 10 GB | 20 GB | 50 GB |
PHP Memory Limit | 128 MB | 256 MB | 256 MB | 512 MB | 1024 MB |
PHP-Versionen | PHP 7.1 – 7.4 | PHP 7.1 – 7.4 | PHP 7.1 – 8.0 | PHP 7.1 – 8.0 | PHP 7.1 – 8.0 |
Amazon Cloud Platform | 500 MB | 1000 MB | |||
Integriertes Caching | NGINX + PHP-OPcache | NGINX + PHP-OPcache | NGINX + PHP-OPcache | ||
Backup | 7 Tage | 7 Tage | 30 Tage | 30 Tage | 30 Tage |
Kostenlose SSL-Zertifikate von Let’s Encrypt | |||||
WooCommerce optimiert | |||||
Mail Postfächer | 1 Postfach | 1 Postfach | 5 Postfächer | 10 Postfächer | 15 Postfächer |
Komprimierung | Brotli / gzip | Brotli / gzip | Brotli / gzip | Brotli / gzip | Brotli / gzip |
WP -Rocket | |||||
Optionale Pakete: Die Pakete gelten als Zusätze und addieren sich zu dem bereits Gebuchten Paketen ausser PHP Memory dabei Handelt es sich dann um den Finalen Wert! | Speicherplatz 5 GB SSD Speicher + 5 € 10 GB SSD Speicher + 10 € 25 GB SSD Speicher + 15 € 50 GB SSD Speicher + 20 € 100 GB SSD Speicher + 40 € | Postfächer 10 Postfächer + 5 € 20 Postfächer + 10 € 50 Postfächer[5] + 25 € inkl. zus. 20 GB SSD Speicher 100 Postfächer[6] + 50 € inkl. zus. 40 GB SSD Speicher | PHP Memory 256 MB + 2 € 512 MB + 5 € 1028 MB + 10 € | WP Instanzen 1 Instanz + 5 € 2 Instanzen + 10 € 5 Instanzen + 15 € | Domains[7] 1 Domain + 3 € 2 Domains + 5 € 5 Domains + 15 € |
Our domain manager makes it easy to track, update, transfer, purchase, and administer all of your domains.
Our technology identifies websites using excessive resources and temporarily re-assigns.
Start with what you need and move to more powerful options as your website grows.
Powered by Let's Encrypt, each SSL Certificate provided helps secure the connection between websites.
Receive $100 for Microsoft Advertising and $100 for Google Ads when you spend your first $25
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Start with what you need and move to more powerful options as your website grows.
Powered by Let's Encrypt, each SSL Certificate provided helps secure the connection between websites.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit nisi lectus, nec rhoncus libero tincidunt ac. Duis in ante est. Phasellus tincidunt ante ac lobortis lacinia. Nunc mattis maximus semper. Etiam euismod nisl ut dolor suscipit, et iaculis neque rutrum. Nullam dui elit, aliquam vitae velit eget, varius suscipit sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit nisi lectus, nec rhoncus libero tincidunt ac. Duis in ante est. Phasellus tincidunt ante ac lobortis lacinia. Nunc mattis maximus semper. Etiam euismod nisl ut dolor suscipit, et iaculis neque rutrum. Nullam dui elit, aliquam vitae velit eget, varius suscipit sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
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